2014 Dispute Resolution Awards

O escritório Luis Miguel Amaral – Advogados / Lawyers foi eleito “Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: Portugal″, no âmbito dos “2014 Dispute Resolution Awards”, organizados pela prestigiada publicação britânica Acquisition International.

2014 Dispute Resolution Awards

2014 Dispute Resolution Awards

O suplemento de tal publicação pode ser consultado aqui.

Acquisition International recognizes LMA-ADVOG as “Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: Portugal”.
LUIS MIGUEL AMARAL – ADVOGADOS / LAWYERS was named “Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: Portugal”  in the Acquisition International Legal Awards 2013. The Dispute Resolution Awards identify the main players in what is a fiercely competitive market. With a culmination of peer reviews and in-house research we feel that we have successfully pinpointed the leading individuals and firms across a range of industries.

NOTA: Press Release

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